Want to Buy Caritas Health Shield HMO?
If you want to buy Caritas Health Shield HMO for your immediate family or relatives, think again. Buying with Caritas Health Shield might be the single biggest mistake you will make in your life. Payment is 5 years . With the many complaints Caritas receives, I don't think they offer a superb service. If they have a superb service, why do they have the most complaints online? (aside from MBLife and Cocolife) Customer service is so-so . Just ask the internet about the services by caritas health shield. Most of the "testimonials" are canned and if you see the youtube videos, you will realize that they really were not patients at all. most of the people they get for the "testimonial" work for the company. Here are real testimonials and reviews about the company . They are out to get you . They have very aggressive marketing tactics like spamming, telemarketing and promo. For spamming, they text numbers about "Caritas Health Shield's anniver...